Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Man, I sure am busy!

I have been meaning to update for a while and this wont be the update I wanted to give. I have been super busy with homework, starting my thesis project, looking into grad school applications and scholarships, getting team stuff (including potentially a new bike :D) for next season organized and of course trying to get enough time to bike, eat and sleep. Well those three things take priority, then whats left I divide up for the rest of that list. Are my priorities straight?

 I will be writing a full report on the last 3 University Cup Mountain Bike races after this weekend. So far it has been a blast racing them. Definitely a much different fitness and skill set is required to be a top tier mtb racer than a roadie. For me this series is just a fun social event to get away from all the school work that never seems to stop piling up. If you go to any university or college in Ontario (im sure they'd let you participate if elsewhere as well), come on out to the last one at Ganaraska this sunday! All the information can be found here.

For now I will leave you with an action shot! (Photo cred to the great Adrian Chao)
Taking a tight double track corner towards the end of a lap at UCUP #3- Albion Hills Crit - Finally cracking the top 10!

As the title says, finally I was able to crack the top 10 in an E1/2 Ontario Cup. For some reason this race wasn't very well attended. I...