Monday, May 11, 2015

Injury Update

First off I need to thank my family and friends for making this -so-great time as good as it can be. Especially my mom for making sure there is always something around for me that I can eat, and making sure I am taking proper care of myself.
Alright so things are starting to look better. All of the removable stitches are now out, with a few dissolvable ones still in my lip. I have been riding my bike again, but avoiding harder efforts to be safe with concussion healing. As far as my racing plans go, I am hoping to try the Grey County TT, but I will need to avoid the road race, and hopefully get back into racing for KW Classic. I have posted a picture here in case you haven't seen me to see the healing progress. Face has healed up nice, although with the lip swelling down you can tell I am missing teeth! Still have to avoid some foods for the time being while the mouth and bones recover but eating is getting better and easier. At least it helped me drop a few pounds at the beginning despite complete lack of exercise/training.
If it were Christmas time I could legitimately sing the jingle, "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth!"

Destroyed helmet. Didn't last me very long, and unfortunately for my student wallet, it wasn't a cheap one either. But protecting my brain is worth it.  
 I went back to a Giro Aeon helmet after my last big crash destroyed the helmet but left my head and face in perfect condition. (Catskills crash at 78km/h vs this one at 34km/h) The Lazer Z1 looks fast and has a lower profile, but I think this lower profile is what makes it less protective unfortunately.

Thanks for following along with the progress and hopefully your year has faired much better so far than mine!

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Post a Comment Crit - Finally cracking the top 10!

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